Best Actor Rankings 1993-2017
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Actor winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Actor winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 3/15/18 – The Shape of Water
Another year of Oscar nominations has come and gone and still no accolades for Andy Serkis.
Kathryn Bigelow and writer Mark Boal do an exceptional job of putting viewers in the middle of this situation and piling on a heaping dose of uncomfortable.
Funny how that happens when we first see a film, read a book, listen to music or even appreciate a work of art. The question being, is it worth coming back to?
Showcast Episode 133: The latest Showcast features special guest Jason Pardo, whose appearance begs the question, “what exactly is a line producer?”. Jason sits in with The Movie Guys the whole show for previews of “Norm of the North”, “13 Hours: The Secret Soliders of Benghazi” and “Ride Along 2” and great movie talk.
Showcast Episode 132: It’s a Happy New Year as The Movie Guys are back in their studio, The Admiral’s Club, for an all-new Movie Showcast with previews of “The Forest” and “The Revenant”, which goes into wide release this week and guest Franklin Leonard joins the show to talk about running The Black List, a yearly aggregated list of the most-liked unproduced screenplays in Hollywood. Then…heated “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” talk ensues.
Self-congratulation is still the rage in TinselTown. Who are we to not report on it? Agree? Disagree? It doesn’t matter, the awards will go out week after week until the Oscars, February 28nd, 2016.