Goodbye, Easy Rider
Ray Schillaci says farewell to legendary Easy Rider Peter Fonda, who passed away over the weekend.
Ray Schillaci says farewell to legendary Easy Rider Peter Fonda, who passed away over the weekend.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 12/13/18 – Anne of a Thousand Days
Our Movie Guy Ray reports on the Mel Gibson remake of THE WILD BUNCH and takes his own stab at the casting.
DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE is one that Mel Gibson fans would be anxious to see in the theaters.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 4/5/18 – Don’t Bother to Knock
Not just a classic Robin Hood-type fable, but an ode to the fading American way of life.
Funny how that happens when we first see a film, read a book, listen to music or even appreciate a work of art. The question being, is it worth coming back to?