Robin Shelby – The TMG Interview
On the eve of the once-in-a-lifetime Ghostbusters Fan Fest, Paul & Karen talk to actress Robin Shelby about working on the films, meeting fans and what’s goin’ down at the fest June 7th & 8th!
On the eve of the once-in-a-lifetime Ghostbusters Fan Fest, Paul & Karen talk to actress Robin Shelby about working on the films, meeting fans and what’s goin’ down at the fest June 7th & 8th!
Paul Preston’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 8/9/18 – Avengers: Infinity War/Ready Player One
Another year of Oscar nominations has come and gone and still no accolades for Andy Serkis.
A first class Marvel production that may be the pedigree of the bunch.
Unpleasant in all aspects. Far too violent for children and incomprehensible to adults. Never watch it, never consider it.