Movie Nonsense – Show #17! – Save Us the Aisle Seat – 12/27/21
A new calendar from The New Beverly Cinema means a new segment devoted to it! Plus, more movie reviews than usual, trailers, and a once-over of the box office.
A new calendar from The New Beverly Cinema means a new segment devoted to it! Plus, more movie reviews than usual, trailers, and a once-over of the box office.
Movie Guy Paul Preston calls in to the Your Weekly Dose podcast to talk Oscars. Plus, a remakes rant sparked by the WEST SIDE STORY trailer.
Our Movie Guy Ray Schillaci’s guide to the best pandemic-themed movies out there…if you’re into that sort of thing.
The great part about this film and its wonderful tunes is the warmth and heart it has for all its characters.
May I present a film near and dear to my childhood heart that still holds up…